Equal to or greater than in matlab
Equal to or greater than in matlab

equal to or greater than in matlab

It's not the problem with your code today - but why set yourself up for a problem in the future. If you have code anywhere that relies on it having that value, then accidentally overwriting it with any other value would break that. Is there a (Matlab) function similar to ceil to find the next integer that is greater than the input but not equal to the input Examples: 1.1 -> 2 1.9 -> 2 2. But it says parse error and might me invalid in matlab. One final comment: it is not great practice to use the variable i since it has a built in value of sqrt(-1). It will consider each element of F(:,2), and modify the corresponding element in G. This uses "logical indexing", and is much faster than looping. In general, there is a better way to do what you want, with a single line: G(F(:,2)<50,2)=1 A > B returns an array of relations A (i,j.) > B (i,j. If both A and B are arrays, then these arrays must have the same dimensions. Maybe there are no elements equal to 50, so it only "seems" to work? Greater or equal to Matlab/Scilab equivalent In Scilab this operator does not work with complex values, while Matlab considers and compares their real parts. This function returns a logical array with elements set to logical 1 (true) where A is greater than or equal to B otherwise, it returns logical 0 (false). Not sure why you say it doesn't work for < but it does work for ~=. Relational operators compare operands quantitatively, using operators like less than, greater than, and not equal to. On the other hand, if(1 < ), disp('true') end

equal to or greater than in matlab

It will produce no output, even though it is true for the third element. While F(:,i)<50 returns an array of values, the if is either true or false consequently, the next line is only executed once (either on all elements in G(:,i), or none of them).įor example, see this piece of code: if(1 < ), disp('true') end Your if statement is only executed once - not once per element.

Equal to or greater than in matlab